Source code for pyspeckit.spectrum.models.lte_molecule

LTE Molecule Modeling Tool

Uses astroquery to obtain molecular parameters.

Equations are based on Mangum & Shirley 2015 (2015PASP..127..266M)

Module API
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from astropy import constants
from astropy import log
from .model import SpectralModel

kb_cgs = constants.k_B.cgs.value
h_cgs = constants.h.cgs.value
eightpicubed = 8 * np.pi**3
threehc = 3 * constants.h.cgs * constants.c.cgs
hoverk_cgs = (h_cgs/kb_cgs)
c_cgs = constants.c.cgs.value
ckms =

[docs]def line_tau(tex, total_column, partition_function, degeneracy, frequency, energy_upper, einstein_A=None): """ Given the excitation temperature of the state, total column density of the molecule, the partition function, the degeneracy of the state, the frequency of the state, and the upper-state energy level, return the optical depth of that transition. This is a helper function for the LTE molecule calculations. It implements the equations .. math:: \\int \\tau_\\nu d\\nu = \\frac{c^2}{8 \\pi \\nu^2} A_{ij} N_u \\left[ \\exp\\left( \\frac{h \\nu}{k_B T_{ex}} \\right) - 1 \\right] or .. math:: \\tau_\\nu = \\frac{c^2}{8 \\pi \\nu^2} A_{ij} N_u \\phi_\\nu \\left[ \\exp\\left( \\frac{h \\nu}{k_B T_{ex}} \\right) - 1 \\right] where .. math:: N_{u} = N_{tot} \\frac{g_u}{Q} \\exp\\left(\\frac{-E_u}{k_B T_{ex}} \\right) based on Equations 11 and 29 of Mangum & Shirley 2015 (2015PASP..127..266M) The return value is therefore .. math:: \\tau_\\nu / \\phi_\\nu The line profile function is, for a Gaussian, given by eqn A1: .. math:: \\phi_\\nu = \\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2 \\pi} \\sigma} \\exp \\left[ -\\frac{(\\nu-\\nu_0)^2}{2 \\sigma^2} \\right] """ # don't use dipole moment, because there are extra hidden dependencies assert frequency.unit.is_equivalent(u.Hz) assert energy_upper.unit.is_equivalent(u.erg) assert total_column.unit.is_equivalent(**-2) assert tex.unit.is_equivalent(u.K) N_upper = (total_column * degeneracy / partition_function * np.exp(-energy_upper / (constants.k_B * tex))) # equation 29 in Mangum 2015 #taudnu = (eightpicubed * frequency * dipole_moment**2 / threehc * # (np.exp(frequency*h_cgs/(kb_cgs*tex))-1) * N_upper) assert einstein_A.unit.is_equivalent(u.Hz) taudnu = ((constants.c**2/(8*np.pi*frequency**2) * einstein_A * N_upper)* (np.exp(frequency*constants.h/(constants.k_B*tex))-1)) return taudnu.decompose()
# Deprecated version of the above # def line_tau_nonquantum(tex, total_column, partition_function, degeneracy, # frequency, energy_upper, SijMu2=None, molwt=None): # # assert frequency.unit.is_equivalent(u.Hz) # assert energy_upper.unit.is_equivalent(u.erg) # assert total_column.unit.is_equivalent(**-2) # assert tex.unit.is_equivalent(u.K) # # energy_lower = energy_upper - frequency*constants.h # #N_lower = (total_column * degeneracy / partition_function * # # np.exp(-energy_lower / (constants.k_B * tex))) # # # # assert SijMu2.unit.is_equivalent(u.debye**2) # amu = u.Da # assert molwt.unit.is_equivalent(amu) # C1 = 54.5953 * u.nm**2 * u.K**0.5 / amu**0.5 / u.debye**2 # C2 = 4.799237e-5 * u.K / u.MHz # C3 = (1.43877506 * u.K / ((1*, u.spectral()) * constants.h)).to(u.K/u.erg) # #C3 = (constants.h / constants.k_B).to(u.K/u.erg) # tau = total_column/partition_function * C1 * (molwt/tex)**0.5 * (1-np.exp(-C2*frequency/tex)) * SijMu2 * np.exp(-C3*energy_lower/tex) # # return tau.decompose()
[docs]def line_tau_cgs(tex, total_column, partition_function, degeneracy, frequency, energy_upper, einstein_A): """ Given the excitation temperature of the state, total column density of the molecule, the partition function, the degeneracy of the state, the frequency of the state, and the upper-state energy level, return the optical depth of that transition. Unlike :func:`line_tau`, this function requires inputs in CGS units. This is a helper function for the LTE molecule calculations. It implements the equations .. math:: \\int \\tau_\\nu d\\nu = \\frac{c^2}{8 \\pi \\nu^2} A_{ij} N_u \\left[ \\exp\\left( \\frac{h \\nu}{k_B T_{ex}} \\right) - 1 \\right] or .. math:: \\tau_\\nu = \\frac{c^2}{8 \\pi \\nu^2} A_{ij} N_u \\phi_\\nu \\left[ \\exp\\left( \\frac{h \\nu}{k_B T_{ex}} \\right) - 1 \\right] where .. math:: N_{u} = N_{tot} \\frac{g_u}{Q} \\exp\\left(\\frac{-E_u}{k_B T_{ex}} \\right) based on Equations 11 and 29 of Mangum & Shirley 2015 (2015PASP..127..266M) The return value is therefore .. math:: \\tau_\\nu / \\phi_\\nu The line profile function is, for a Gaussian, given by eqn A1: .. math:: \\phi_\\nu = \\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2 \\pi} \\sigma} \\exp \\left[ -\\frac{(\\nu-\\nu_0)^2}{2 \\sigma^2} \\right] """ N_upper = (total_column * degeneracy / partition_function * np.exp(-energy_upper / (kb_cgs * tex))) # equation 29 in Mangum 2015 #taudnu = (eightpicubed * frequency * dipole_moment**2 / threehc * # (np.exp(frequency*h_cgs/(kb_cgs*tex))-1) * N_upper) # substitute eqn 11: # Aij = 64 pi^4 nu^3 / (3 h c^3) |mu ul|^2 # becomes # dipole_moment^2 = 3 h c^3 Aij / ( 64 pi^4 nu^3 ) taudnu = ((c_cgs**2/(8*np.pi*frequency**2) * einstein_A * N_upper)* (np.exp(frequency*h_cgs/(kb_cgs*tex))-1)) return taudnu
[docs]def Jnu(nu, T): """RJ equivalent temperature (MS15 eqn 24)""" return constants.h*nu/constants.k_B / (np.exp(constants.h*nu/(constants.k_B*T))-1)
[docs]def Jnu_cgs(nu, T): """RJ equivalent temperature (MS15 eqn 24) (use cgs constants for speed) """ return hoverk_cgs*nu / (np.exp(hoverk_cgs*nu/T)-1)
def line_brightness(tex, dnu, frequency, tbg=2.73*u.K, *args, **kwargs): tau = line_tau(tex=tex, frequency=frequency, *args, **kwargs) / dnu tau = tau.decompose() assert tau.unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled return (Jnu(frequency, tex)-Jnu(frequency, tbg)).decompose() * (1 - np.exp(-tau)) def line_brightness_cgs(tex, dnu, frequency, tbg=2.73, *args, **kwargs): tau = line_tau(tex=tex, frequency=frequency, *args, **kwargs) / dnu return (Jnu(frequency, tex)-Jnu(frequency, tbg)) * (1 - np.exp(-tau))
[docs]def get_molecular_parameters(molecule_name, tex=50, fmin=1*u.GHz, fmax=1*u.THz, catalog='JPL',**kwargs): """ Get the molecular parameters for a molecule from the JPL or CDMS catalog (this version should, in principle, be entirely self-consistent) Parameters ---------- molecule_name : string The string name of the molecule (normal name, like CH3OH or CH3CH2OH, but it has to match the JPL catalog spec) tex : float Optional excitation temperature (basically checks if the partition function calculator works) catalog : 'JPL' or 'CDMS' Which catalog to pull from fmin : quantity with frequency units fmax : quantity with frequency units The minimum and maximum frequency to search over Examples -------- >>> from pyspeckit.spectrum.models.lte_molecule import get_molecular_parameters >>> freqs, aij, deg, EU, partfunc = get_molecular_parameters('CH2CHCN', ... fmin=220*u.GHz, ... fmax=222*u.GHz, ) >>> freqs, aij, deg, EU, partfunc = get_molecular_parameters('CH3OH', ... fmin=90*u.GHz, ... fmax=100*u.GHz) """ if catalog == 'JPL': from astroquery.jplspec import JPLSpec as QueryTool elif catalog == 'CDMS': from astroquery.linelists.cdms import CDMS as QueryTool else: raise ValueError("Invalid catalog specification") speciestab = QueryTool.get_species_table() if 'NAME' in speciestab.colnames: jpltable = speciestab[speciestab['NAME'] == molecule_name] elif 'molecule' in speciestab.colnames: jpltable = speciestab[speciestab['molecule'] == molecule_name] else: raise ValueError(f"Did not find NAME or molecule in table columns: {speciestab.colnames}") if len(jpltable) != 1: raise ValueError(f"Too many or too few matches to {molecule_name}") jpltbl = QueryTool.query_lines(fmin, fmax, molecule=molecule_name, parse_name_locally=True) def partfunc(tem): """ interpolate the partition function WARNING: this can be very wrong """ tem = u.Quantity(tem, u.K).value tems = np.array(jpltable.meta['Temperature (K)']) keys = [k for k in jpltable.keys() if 'q' in k.lower()] logQs = jpltable[keys] logQs = np.array(list(logQs[0])) inds = np.argsort(tems) #logQ = np.interp(tem, tems[inds], logQs[inds]) # linear interpolation is appropriate; Q is linear with T... for some cases... # it's a safer interpolation, anyway. # to get a better solution, you can fit a functional form as shown in the # JPLSpec docs, but that is... left as an exercise. # (we can test the degree of deviation there) linQ = np.interp(tem, tems[inds], 10**logQs[inds]) return linQ freqs = jpltbl['FREQ'].quantity freq_MHz = deg = np.array(jpltbl['GUP']) EL = jpltbl['ELO'], u.spectral()) dE =, u.spectral()) EU = EL + dE # need elower, eupper in inverse centimeter units elower_icm = jpltbl['ELO']**-1).value eupper_icm = elower_icm + (**-1, u.spectral()).value) # from Brett McGuire # LGINT: Base 10 logarithm of the integrated intensity in units of nm2 ·MHz at 300 K. # (See Section 3 for conversions to other units.) # see also CT = 300 logint = np.array(jpltbl['LGINT']) # this should just be a number #from CDMS website sijmu = (np.exp(np.float64(-(elower_icm/0.695)/CT)) - np.exp(np.float64(-(eupper_icm/0.695)/CT)))**(-1) * ((10**logint)/freq_MHz) * (24025.120666) * partfunc(CT) #aij formula from CDMS. Verfied it matched spalatalogue's values aij = 1.16395 * 10**(-20) * freq_MHz**3 * sijmu / deg # we want logA for consistency with use in generate_model below aij = np.log10(aij) EU = ok = np.isfinite(aij) & np.isfinite(EU) & np.isfinite(deg) & np.isfinite(freqs) return freqs[ok], aij[ok], deg[ok], EU[ok], partfunc
[docs]def generate_model(xarr, vcen, width, tex, column, freqs, aij, deg, EU, partfunc, background=None, tbg=2.73, get_tau=False, get_tau_sticks=False ): """ Model Generator Parameters ---------- xarr : Quantity array [Hz] The X-axis (frequency) vcen : Quantity [km/s] The central velocity width : Quantity [km/s] The 1-sigma Gaussian line width [not FWHM] tex : Quantity [K] Excitation temperature column : Quantity [cm^-2] The total column density of the molecule. If specified as a value < 30, it will be assumed to be the log10 of the column density. freqs : Quantity array [Hz] The central frequency of the lines to model. Subsequent parameters, aij, deg, EU, must have the same shape as `freqs`. aij : array [log s^-1] The Einstein A coefficients, assumed to be in units of log10 of the rate in 1/s deg : array The transition degeneracy EU : Quantity array [erg] The upper state energy in ergs partfunc : function The partition function. Can also be specified as an array of values in Kelvin. background : None An additional background field to include in the radiative transfer model. Must be in Kelvin. [Presently not correctly implemented] tbg : Quantity [K] The background brightness temperature, defaulting to 2.73 for the CMB temperature. This background will be treated as uniform with frequency and subtracted. get_tau : bool, default False If specified, the optical depth in each frequency bin will be returned get_tau_sticks : bool, default False If specified, the optical depth in each transition will be returned Examples -------- Example case to produce a model:: from pyspeckit.spectrum.models.lte_molecule import get_molecular_parameters, generate_model, generate_fitter freqs, aij, deg, eu, partfunc = get_molecular_parameters('CH3OH') def modfunc(xarr, vcen, width, tex, column): return generate_model(xarr, vcen, width, tex, column, freqs=freqs, aij=aij, deg=deg, EU=EU, partfunc=partfunc) fitter = generate_fitter(modfunc, name="CH3OH") """ if hasattr(tex,'unit'): tex = tex.value # to allow for multi-excitation-temperature, we need a multizone model # the radiative transfer equation below is hard-coded to be single-zone if hasattr(column, 'unit'): column = column.value if np.isscalar(column): column = np.ones(len(freqs), dtype='float') * column else: assert len(column) == len(freqs) column = column.copy() # we're doing inplace modification below # assume low numbers are meant to be exponents low_col = column < 30 log.debug(f"Found {low_col.sum()} entries that needed exponentiation") if any(low_col): column[low_col] = 10**column[low_col] if hasattr(tbg,'unit'): tbg = if hasattr(vcen, 'unit'): vcen = if hasattr(width, 'unit'): width = #velo =, equiv).value freq = # same unit as nu below model = np.zeros_like(xarr).value # splatalogue can report bad frequencies as zero OK = (freqs.value != 0) & np.isfinite(aij) & np.isfinite(EU) freqs_ = if callable(partfunc): Qs = partfunc(tex) if np.isscalar(Qs): Qs = np.ones(len(freqs), dtype='float') * Qs else: Qs = partfunc assert len(Qs) == len(freqs) model_tau = np.zeros_like(freq) tau_sticks = [] for logA, gg, restfreq, eu, nt, Q in zip(aij[OK], deg[OK], freqs_[OK], EU[OK], column[OK], Qs[OK]): tau_over_phi = line_tau_cgs(tex=tex, total_column=nt, partition_function=Q, degeneracy=gg, frequency=restfreq, energy_upper=eu, einstein_A=10**logA) # commented out for performance log.debug(f"A={logA}, g={gg}, nu={restfreq}, eu={eu}, col={nt}, Q={Q}, tau/phi={tau_over_phi}") width_dnu = width / ckms * restfreq phi_nu = ( ((2*np.pi)**0.5 * width_dnu)**-1 * np.exp(-(freq-(1-vcen/ckms)*restfreq)**2/(2*width_dnu**2))) tau_profile = (tau_over_phi * phi_nu) model_tau += tau_profile tau_sticks.append(tau_over_phi) if get_tau: return model_tau if get_tau_sticks: return tau_sticks jnu_line = Jnu_cgs(freq, tex) jnu_bg = Jnu_cgs(freq, tbg) jnu = (jnu_line-jnu_bg) # this is the same as below, but laid out more explicitly. This form of the # equation implicity subtracts of a uniform-with-frequency background # model = jnu_line*(1-np.exp(-model_tau)) + jnu_bg*(np.exp(-model_tau)) - jnu_bg model = jnu*(1-np.exp(-model_tau)) if background is not None: raise NotImplementedError return background-model return model
[docs]def generate_fitter(model_func, name): """ Generator for hnco fitter class """ myclass = SpectralModel(model_func, 4, parnames=['shift','width','tex','column'], parlimited=[(False,False),(True,False),(True,False),(True,False)], parlimits=[(0,0), (0,0), (0,0),(0,0)], shortvarnames=(r'\Delta x',r'\sigma','T_{ex}','N'), centroid_par='shift', ) myclass.__name__ = name return myclass
[docs]def nupper_of_kkms(kkms, freq, Aul, replace_bad=None): r""" Mangum & Shirley 2015 eqn 82 gives, for the optically thin, Rayleigh-Jeans, negligible background approximation: .. math:: N_{tot} = (3 k) / (8 \pi^3 \nu S \mu^2 R_i) (Q/g) \exp(E_u/k T_{ex}) \int(T_R/f dv) Eqn 31: .. math:: N_{tot}/N_u = Q_{rot} / g_u \exp(E_u/k T_{ex}) -> N_{tot} = N_u Q_{rot} / g_u \exp(E_u/k T_{ex}) -> Nu = N_{tot} g / Q_{rot} \exp(-E_u / k T_{ex}) To get Nu of an observed line, then: .. math:: Nu Q_{rot} / g_u \exp(E_u/k T_{ex}) = (3 k) / (8 \pi^3 \nu S \mu^2 R_i) (Q/g) \exp(E_u/k T_{ex}) \int(T_R/f dv) This term cancels: .. math:: Q_{rot} / g_u \exp(E_u/k T_{ex}) Leaving: .. math:: N_u = (3 k) / (8 \pi^3 \nu S \mu^2 R_i) \int(T_R/f dv) $\int(T_R/f dv)$ is the optically thin integrated intensity in K km/s dnu/nu = dv/c [doppler eqn], so to get $\int(T_R dnu)$, sub in $dv = c/\nu d\nu$ .. math:: N_u = (3 k c) / (8 \pi^3 \nu^2 S \mu^2 R_i) \int(T_R/f d\nu) We then need to deal with the S \mu^2 R_i term. We assume R_i = 1, since we are not measuring any hyperfine transitions (R_i is the hyperfine degeneracy; eqn 75) Equation 11: .. math:: A_{ul} = 64 \pi^4 \nu^3 / (3 h c^3) |\mu_{ul}|^2 Equation 62: .. math:: |\mu_{ul}|^2 = S \mu^2 -> S \mu^2 = (3 h c^3 A_{ul}) / (64 \pi^4 \nu^3) Plugging that in gives .. math:: Nu = (3 k c) / (8 \pi^3 \nu^2 ((3 h c^3 A_{ul}) / (64 \pi^4 \nu^3))) \int(T_R/f d\nu) = (3 k c 64 \pi^4 \nu^3) / (8 \pi^3 \nu^2 3 h c^3 A_{ul}) \int(T_R/f d\nu) = (8 \pi \nu k / (A_{ul} c^2 h)) \int(T_R/f d\nu) which is the equation implemented below. We could also have left this in dv units by substituting du = nu/c dv: .. math:: = (8 \pi \nu^2 k / (A_{ul} c^3 h)) \int (T_R/f dv) """ if replace_bad: neg = kkms <= 0 kkms[neg] = replace_bad freq = u.Quantity(freq, u.GHz) Aul = u.Quantity(Aul, u.Hz) kkms = u.Quantity(kkms, u.K* nline = 8 * np.pi * freq * constants.k_B / constants.h / Aul / constants.c**2 # kelvin-hertz Khz = (kkms * (freq/constants.c)).to(u.K * u.MHz) return (nline * Khz).to(**-2)
[docs]def ntot_of_nupper(nupper, eupper, tex, Q_rot, degeneracy=1): """ Given an N_upper, E_upper, tex, Q_rot, and degeneracy for a single state, give N_tot Mangum & Shirley 2015 eqn 31 .. math:: N_{tot}/N_u = Q_{rot} / g_u \\exp(E_u/k T_{ex}) Example: >>> import astropy.units as u >>> tex = 50*u.K >>> kkms = 100*u.K* >>> from pyspeckit.spectrum.models import lte_molecule >>> freqs, aij, deg, EU, partfunc = lte_molecule.get_molecular_parameters(molecule_name='HNCO v=0', molecule_name_jpl='HNCO', fmin=87*u.GHz, fmax=88*u.GHz) >>> nupper = lte_molecule.nupper_of_kkms(kkms, freqs, 10**aij) >>> ntot = lte_molecule.ntot_of_nupper(nupper, EU*u.erg, tex, Q_rot=partfunc(tex), degeneracy=deg) """ Ntot = nupper * (Q_rot/degeneracy) * np.exp(eupper / (constants.k_B*tex)) return Ntot
# url = '' # rslt ="/sync", data={'REQUEST':"doQuery", 'LANG': 'VSS2', 'FORMAT':'XSAMS', 'QUERY':"SELECT SPECIES WHERE MoleculeStoichiometricFormula='CH2O'"}) if __name__ == "__main__": # example # 303 J = 3 gI = 0.25 gJ = 2*J+1 gK = 1 # 321 has same parameters for g ph2co = {'tex':18.75*u.K, 'total_column': 1e12***-2, 'partition_function': 44.6812, # splatalogue's 18.75 'degeneracy': gI*gJ*gK, #'dipole_moment': 2.331e-18*u.esu*, #2.331*u.debye, } ph2co_303 = { 'frequency': 218.22219*u.GHz, 'energy_upper': kb_cgs*20.95582*u.K, 'einstein_A': 10**-3.55007/u.s, } ph2co_303.update(ph2co) ph2co_303['dnu'] = (1* * ph2co_303['frequency']) ph2co_321 = { 'frequency': 218.76007*u.GHz, 'energy_upper': kb_cgs*68.11081*u.K, 'einstein_A': 10**-3.80235/u.s, } ph2co_321.update(ph2co) ph2co_321['dnu'] = (1* * ph2co_321['frequency']) ph2co_322 = { 'frequency': 218.47563*u.GHz, 'energy_upper': kb_cgs*68.0937*u.K, 'einstein_A': 10**-3.80373/u.s, } ph2co_322.update(ph2co) ph2co_322['dnu'] = (1* * ph2co_322['frequency']) print(("tau303 = {0}".format(line_tau(**ph2co_303)))) print(("tau321 = {0}".format(line_tau(**ph2co_321)))) print(("tau322 = {0}".format(line_tau(**ph2co_322)))) print(("r303/r321 = {0}".format(line_brightness(**ph2co_321)/line_brightness(**ph2co_303)))) print(("r303/r322 = {0}".format(line_brightness(**ph2co_322)/line_brightness(**ph2co_303)))) # CDMS Q import requests import bs4 url = '' rslt ="/sync", data={'REQUEST':"doQuery", 'LANG': 'VSS2', 'FORMAT':'XSAMS', 'QUERY':"SELECT SPECIES WHERE MoleculeStoichiometricFormula='CH2O'"}) bb = bs4.BeautifulSoup(rslt.content, 'html5lib') h = [x for x in bb.findAll('molecule') if x.ordinarystructuralformula.value.text=='H2CO'][0] tem_, Q_ = h.partitionfunction.findAll('datalist') tem = [float(x) for x in tem_.text.split()] Q = [float(x) for x in Q_.text.split()] del ph2co_303['tex'] del ph2co_303['partition_function'] T_303 = np.array([line_brightness(tex=tex*u.K, partition_function=pf, **ph2co_303).value for tex,pf in zip(tem,Q)]) del ph2co_321['tex'] del ph2co_321['partition_function'] T_321 = np.array([line_brightness(tex=tex*u.K, partition_function=pf, **ph2co_321).value for tex,pf in zip(tem,Q)]) del ph2co_322['tex'] del ph2co_322['partition_function'] T_322 = np.array([line_brightness(tex=tex*u.K, partition_function=pf, **ph2co_322).value for tex,pf in zip(tem,Q)]) import pylab as pl pl.clf() pl.subplot(2,1,1) pl.plot(tem, T_321, label='$3_{2,1}-2_{2,0}$') pl.plot(tem, T_322, label='$3_{2,2}-2_{2,1}$') pl.plot(tem, T_303, label='$3_{0,3}-2_{0,2}$') pl.xlim(0,200) pl.subplot(2,1,2) pl.plot(tem, T_321/T_303, label='321/303') pl.plot(tem, T_322/T_303, label='322/303') pl.xlim(0,200) pl.draw();