
The spectrum module consists of the Spectrum class, with child classes ObsBlock and Spectra for multi-spectrum analysis of different types.

The Spectrum class is the main functional code. ObsBlocks are containers of multiple spectra of different objects The Spectra class is a container of multiple spectra of the same object at different wavelengths/frequencies

class pyspeckit.spectrum.classes.Spectrum(filename_or_magic=None, filetype=None, xarr=None, data=None, error=None, header=None, doplot=False, maskdata=True, unit=None, plotkwargs={}, xarrkwargs={}, model_registry=None, filename=None, **kwargs)[source] [github] [bitbucket]

Bases: pyspeckit.spectrum.classes.SingleSpectrum

The core class for the spectroscopic toolkit. Contains the data and error arrays along with wavelength / frequency / velocity information in various formats.

Create a Spectrum object.

Must either pass in a filename or ALL of xarr, data, and header, plus optionally error.

kwargs are passed to the file reader


filename_or_magic : string or something else

The filename or something with an hdu attribute. If data, xarr, and error are specified, leave filename blank.

filetype : string

Specify the file type (only needed if it cannot be automatically determined from the filename)

xarr : units.SpectroscopicAxis or np.ndarray

The X-axis of the data. If it is an np.ndarray, you must pass xarrkwargs or a valid header if you want to use any of the unit functionality.

data : np.ndarray

The data array (must have same length as xarr)

error : np.ndarray

The error array (must have same length as the data and xarr arrays)

header : pyfits.Header or dict

The header from which to read unit information. Needs to be a pyfits.Header instance or another dictionary-like object with the appropriate information

maskdata : boolean

turn the array into a masked array with all nan and inf values masked

doplot : boolean

Plot the spectrum after loading it?

plotkwargs : dict

keyword arguments to pass to the plotter

xarrkwargs : dict

keyword arguments to pass to the SpectroscopicAxis initialization (can be used in place of a header)

unit : str

The data unit

filename : string

The file to read the spectrum from. If data, xarr, and error are specified, leave filename blank.


>>> sp = pyspeckit.Spectrum(data=np.random.randn(100),
            xarr=np.linspace(-50, 50, 100), error=np.ones(100)*0.1,
            xarrkwargs={'unit':'km/s', 'refX':4.829, 'refX_unit':'GHz',
                'xtype':'VLSR-RAD'}, header={})
>>> xarr = pyspeckit.units.SpectroscopicAxis(np.linspace(-50,50,100),
            units='km/s', refX=6562.83, refX_unit='angstroms')
>>> data = np.random.randn(100)*5 + np.random.rand(100)*100
>>> err = np.sqrt(data/5.)*5. # Poisson noise
>>> sp = pyspeckit.Spectrum(data=data, error=err, xarr=xarr, header={})
>>> # if you already have a simple fits file
>>> sp = pyspeckit.Spectrum('test.fits')
copy(deep=True) [github] [bitbucket]

Create a copy of the spectrum with its own plotter, fitter, etc. Useful for, e.g., comparing smoothed to unsmoothed data

crop(x1, x2, unit=None, **kwargs) [github] [bitbucket]

Replace the current spectrum with a subset from x1 to x2 in current units

Fixes CRPIX1 and baseline and model spectra to match cropped data spectrum

property data_quantity
downsample(dsfactor) [github] [bitbucket]

Downsample the spectrum (and all of its subsidiaries) without smoothing


dsfactor : int

Downsampling Factor

property error_quantity
property flux

The data in the spectrum (flux = data, for compatibility with astropy’s Spectrum1D object).

classmethod from_hdu(hdu) [github] [bitbucket]

Create a pyspeckit Spectrum object from an HDU

classmethod from_spectrum1d(spec1d) [github] [bitbucket]

Tool to load a pyspeckit Spectrum from a specutils object


>>> # grab many spectra from a multiextension FITS file
>>> spectra = specutils.io.fits.read_fits_spectrum1d('AAO.fits')
>>> sp = pyspeckit.Spectrum.from_spectrum1d(spectra[0])
>>> # open a single spectrum that could have been opened directly with pyspeckit
>>> spectrum = specutils.io.fits.read_fits_spectrum1d('gbt_1d.fits')
>>> sp = pyspeckit.Spectrum.from_spectrum1d(spectrum)
getlines(linetype='radio', **kwargs) [github] [bitbucket]

Access a registered database of spectral lines. Will add an attribute with the name linetype, which then has properties defined by the speclines module (most likely, a table and a “show” function to display the lines)

interpnans() [github] [bitbucket]

Interpolate over NAN values, replacing them with values interpolated from their neighbors using linear interpolation.

measure(z=None, d=None, fluxnorm=None, miscline=None, misctol=10.0, ignore=None, derive=True, **kwargs) [github] [bitbucket]

Initialize the measurements class - only do this after you have run a fitter otherwise pyspeckit will be angry!

moments(unit='km/s', **kwargs) [github] [bitbucket]

Return the moments of the spectrum. In order to assure that the 1st and 2nd moments are meaningful, a ‘default’ unit is set. If unit is not set, will use current unit.

Documentation imported from the moments module:

Returns the gaussian parameters of a 1D distribution by calculating its moments. Depending on the input parameters, will only output a subset of the above.

Theory, from first principles (in the absence of noise): integral(gaussian) = sqrt(2*pi*sigma^2) * amp sigma = integral / amp / sqrt(2*pi)

In the presence of noise, this gets much more complicated. The noisy approach is inspired by mpfit


Xax : np.ndarray

The x-axis for computing the 1st and 2nd moments

data : np.ndarray

The data from which to compute the various moments

estimator : function

A function to estimate the “height” or “background level” of the data, e.g. mean or median. If masked arrays are being used, use the np.ma versions of the numpy functions

negamp: bool or None :

Force the peak negative (True), positive (False), or the sign of the peak will be “autodetected” (negamp=None)

nsigcut: float or None :

If specified, the code will attempt to estimate the noise and only use data above/below n-sigma above the noise. The noise will be estimated from the data unless the noise is specified with noise_estimate

noise_estimate: float or None :

Guess for the noise value. Only matters if nsigcut is specified.

vheight : bool

Include an estimate of the background level?


(height, amplitude, x, width_x) :

height : float

is the background level

amplitude : float

is the maximum (or minimum) of the data after background subtraction

x : float

is the first moment

width_x : float

is the second moment

parse_hdf5_header(hdr) [github] [bitbucket]

HDF5 reader will create a hdr dictionary from HDF5 dataset attributes if they exist. This routine will convert that dict to a pyfits header instance.

parse_header(hdr, specname=None) [github] [bitbucket]

Parse parameters from a .fits header into required spectrum structure parameters

parse_text_header(Table) [github] [bitbucket]

Grab relevant parameters from a table header (xaxis type, etc)

This function should only exist for Spectrum objects created from .txt or other atpy table type objects

property shape

Return the data shape (a property of the Spectrum)

slice(start=None, stop=None, unit='pixel', copy=True, xcopy=True, preserve_fits=False) [github] [bitbucket]

Slicing the spectrum


this is the same as cropping right now, but it returns a copy instead of cropping inplace


start : numpy.float or int or astropy quantity

start of slice

stop : numpy.float or int or astropy quantity

stop of slice

unit : str

allowed values are any supported physical unit, ‘pixel’

copy : bool

Return a ‘view’ of the data or a copy?

preserve_fits : bool

Save the fitted parameters from self.fitter?

smooth(smooth, downsample=True, **kwargs) [github] [bitbucket]

Smooth the spectrum by factor smooth.

Documentation from the smooth module:

sm.smooth doc:

Smooth and downsample the data array. NaN data points will be replaced with interpolated values


smooth : float

Number of pixels to smooth by

smoothtype : [ ‘gaussian’,’hanning’, or ‘boxcar’ ]

type of smoothing kernel to use

downsample : bool

Downsample the data?

downsample_factor : int

Downsample by the smoothing factor, or something else?

convmode : [ ‘full’,’valid’,’same’ ]

see numpy.convolve. ‘same’ returns an array of the same length as ‘data’ (assuming data is larger than the kernel)

stats(statrange=(), interactive=False) [github] [bitbucket]

Return some statistical measures in a dictionary (somewhat self-explanatory)


statrange : 2-element tuple

X-range over which to perform measures

interactive : bool

specify range interactively in plotter

property unit
property units
write(filename, type=None, **kwargs) [github] [bitbucket]

Write the spectrum to a file. The available file types are listed in spectrum.writers.writers

type - what type of file to write to? If not specified, will attempt to determine type from suffix

class pyspeckit.spectrum.classes.Spectra(speclist, xunit=None, model_registry=None, **kwargs)[source] [github] [bitbucket]

Bases: pyspeckit.spectrum.classes.BaseSpectrum

A list of individual Spectrum objects. Intended to be used for concatenating different wavelength observations of the SAME OBJECT. Can be operated on just like any Spectrum object, incuding fitting. Useful for fitting multiple lines on non-continguous axes simultaneously. Be wary of plotting these though…

Can be indexed like python lists.

X array is forcibly sorted in increasing order

fiteach(**kwargs)[source] [github] [bitbucket]

Fit each spectrum within the Spectra object

classmethod from_spectrum1d_list(lst)[source] [github] [bitbucket]

Tool to load a collection of pyspeckit Spectra from a specutils list of Spectrum1D objects


>>> # grab many spectra from a multiextension FITS file
>>> spectra = specutils.io.fits.read_fits_spectrum1d('AAO.fits')
>>> sp = pyspeckit.Spectrum.from_spectrum1d_list(spectra)
ploteach(xunit=None, inherit_fit=False, plot_fit=True, plotfitkwargs={}, **plotkwargs)[source] [github] [bitbucket]

Plot each spectrum in its own window inherit_fit - if specified, will grab the fitter & fitter properties from Spectra

smooth(smooth, **kwargs)[source] [github] [bitbucket]

Smooth the spectrum by factor “smooth”. Options are defined in sm.smooth

because ‘Spectra’ does not have a header attribute, don’t do anything to it…

class pyspeckit.spectrum.classes.ObsBlock(speclist, xtype='frequency', xarr=None, force=False, model_registry=None, **kwargs)[source] [github] [bitbucket]

Bases: pyspeckit.spectrum.classes.Spectra

An Observation Block

Consists of multiple spectra with a shared X-axis. Intended to hold groups of observations of the same object in the same setup for later averaging.

ObsBlocks can be indexed like python lists.

average(weight=None, inverse_weight=False, error='erravgrtn', debug=False)[source] [github] [bitbucket]

Average all scans in an ObsBlock. Returns a single Spectrum object


weight : string

a header keyword to weight by. If not specified, the spectra will be averaged without weighting

inverse_weight : bool

Is the header keyword an inverse-weight (e.g., a variance?)

error : [‘scanrms’,’erravg’,’erravgrtn’]

estimate the error spectrum by one of three methods. ‘scanrms’ : the standard deviation of each pixel across all scans ‘erravg’ : the average of all input error spectra ‘erravgrtn’ : the average of all input error spectra divided by sqrt(n_obs)

smooth(smooth, **kwargs)[source] [github] [bitbucket]

Smooth the spectrum by factor “smooth”. Options are defined in sm.smooth

pyspeckit.spectrum.register_reader(filetype, function, suffix, default=False)[source] [github] [bitbucket]

Register a reader function.


filetype: str :

The file type name

function: function :

The reader function. Should take a filename as input and return an X-axis object (see units.py), a spectrum, an error spectrum (initialize it to 0’s if empty), and a pyfits header instance

suffix: int :

What suffix should the file have?

pyspeckit.spectrum.register_writer(filetype, function, suffix, default=False)[source] [github] [bitbucket]

Register a writer function.


filetype: string :

The file type name

function: function :

The writer function. Will be an attribute of Spectrum object, and called as spectrum.Spectrum.write_hdf5(), for example.

suffix: int :

What suffix should the file have?

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