Simple Radio Fitting: HCO+ example ================================== .. include:: .. include:: :literal: .. figure:: images/simple_fit_example_HCOp.png :alt: Sample HCO+ spectrum fitted with a gaussian :figwidth: 800 :width: 800 Sample HCO+ spectrum fitted with a gaussian .. figure:: images/simple_fit_example_HCOp_residuals.png :alt: Residuals of the gaussian fit from the previous figure :figwidth: 800 :width: 800 Residuals of the gaussian fit from the previous figure .. figure:: images/simple_fit_example_HCOp_cropped.png :alt: A zoomed-in, cropped version of the spectrum. With the 'crop' command, the excess data is discarded. :figwidth: 800 :width: 800 A zoomed-in, cropped version of the spectrum. With the 'crop' command, the excess data is discarded.