A guide to interactive fitting

A step-by-step example of how to use the interactive fitter.

In short, we will do the following:

# 1. Load the spectrum
sp = pyspeckit.Spectrum('hr2421.fit')

# 2. Plot a particular spectral line

# 3. Need to fit the continuum first
sp.baseline(interactive=True, subtract=False)

# 4... (much work takes place interactively at this stage)

# 5. Start up an interactive line-fitting session
# (do not run this line until *after* completing the baseline fitting)


If you don’t see a plot window after step #2 above, make sure you’re using matplotlib in interactive mode. This may require starting ipython as ipython --pylab

You can also start the interactive fitter by pressing ‘b’ for baseline or ‘f’ for fit when a plot window is active, then press ‘?’ to get help. These commands will not work if you have the “zoom” or “pan” tools active, though!

First click fitting a baseline
Second click fitting a baseline
The results of the second click
Third click fitting a baseline
Fourth click fitting a baseline
The results of the fourth click ("exclude")
Fifth click fitting a baseline (run the fit)

This is where you start the line-fitter:

# Start up an interactive line-fitting session
First click fitting a spectral line
Second click fitting a spectral line
Results of the second click (highlight the fit region)
Third click fitting a spectral line
Fourth click fitting a spectral line
Results of the fourth click: make a gaussian guess
Fifth click fitting a spectral line - do the fit

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